Over the hill and through the woods to Grandma's house we go...
Phew, that was close, almost missed Wordless Wednesday (again)!
Last weekend I was a very lucky pup because I got to go and see Grandma at the hospital!! :-D
I couldn't go inside (stupid health codes), but she was able to come outside to see me!!
The weather was gorgeous and the hospital's grounds were so much fun to go and sniff in! I can't wait to go and visit again soon!! :-D
Have a great day everyone!!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Monday, January 28, 2013
Ramps and Sunshine
Happy Tuesday Everyone!!
I hope that you are all having a wonderful week! :-D
I've been enjoying spending time in the sunshine (not to brag with all my snow covered friends listening in), at the puppy park, and at agility class!
On Sunday we added another pawesome station in the mix...the Dog Walk! This one was seriously weird looking, but all us pups kicked that walk's tush!
Apparently we are very lucky pups, because the one we have at school can be lowered to teach new dogs how to correctly use it before making it super tall (and scary!). ;-) Once we learnt how to use the walk, Miss Rachel set up a course with curved lines, the dog walk, a whole bunch of hurdles, and the table! It was soooooo much fun!
While I was in line waiting, I got super impatient, and just kept on barking...hehehe! Miss Rachel laughed and just said that I wanted to earn a Gold Star! ;-)
All of us are doing super well in class too! Miss Rachel keeps on saying that she has to remind us and herself that agility is a hard sport and that not all classes take to it so easily! Hehehe! I'm super sad that next week is our last class, but Domeek has already promised me that we are moving on to Continuing Agility! :-D
A little sunshine for my friends!? ;-)
Take care everyone!
I hope that you are all having a wonderful week! :-D
I've been enjoying spending time in the sunshine (not to brag with all my snow covered friends listening in), at the puppy park, and at agility class!
On Sunday we added another pawesome station in the mix...the Dog Walk! This one was seriously weird looking, but all us pups kicked that walk's tush!
Apparently we are very lucky pups, because the one we have at school can be lowered to teach new dogs how to correctly use it before making it super tall (and scary!). ;-) Once we learnt how to use the walk, Miss Rachel set up a course with curved lines, the dog walk, a whole bunch of hurdles, and the table! It was soooooo much fun!
While I was in line waiting, I got super impatient, and just kept on barking...hehehe! Miss Rachel laughed and just said that I wanted to earn a Gold Star! ;-)
All of us are doing super well in class too! Miss Rachel keeps on saying that she has to remind us and herself that agility is a hard sport and that not all classes take to it so easily! Hehehe! I'm super sad that next week is our last class, but Domeek has already promised me that we are moving on to Continuing Agility! :-D
A little sunshine for my friends!? ;-)
Well, while I chew on this awesome stick, you all have a great rest of the day! :-D
Take care everyone!
Saturday, January 26, 2013
Award Central
Happy Saturday Everyone!!
I've been super lucky recently and noticed that I have the bestest bloggie friends that a pup could ever want!! :-D Yeah, I'm talking about you!!!
Yesterday, two pawesome pals nominated me for awards!
First up, the ever gorgeous and fantastically-dominating Nola granted me the REALITY blog award.
The Rules are as follows:
The Nominees (Go say "Hi" if you haven't already):
I've been super lucky recently and noticed that I have the bestest bloggie friends that a pup could ever want!! :-D Yeah, I'm talking about you!!!
Yesterday, two pawesome pals nominated me for awards!
First up, the ever gorgeous and fantastically-dominating Nola granted me the REALITY blog award.
The Rules are as follows:
- Visit and thank the blogger who nominated you.
- Acknowledge that blogger on your blog and link back to them.
- Answer the 5 simple questions. (see below)
- Nominate up to 20 blogs for the award and notify each of them. (see below)
- Display the award on your blog somewhere.
The Questions:
- If you could change one thing, what would it be?
- The Big Picture: That everyone would value their pups, kittens, hamsters, bunnies...as much as our fantastic Mom's and Dad's here in Blogville do!
- More Personal: That I could go everywhere with my Domeek, no questions asked...the stores, food places, her work all the time, everywhere!! :-)
- If you could repeat an age, what would it be?
- Well, I'm only one year old...so I don't have a lot to go by, buuuuut, I do miss my younger months, when there wasn't as much pressure to behave and do well in class...those were the days my friends! ;-)
- What is one thing that really scares you?
- Domeek not coming home!! :-(
- What is one dream you have not completed, and do you think you'll be able to complete it?
- There's tons of things that I haven't completed...again, I say, I'm only 1! Let's see, I want to travel all over the place (yes, I'll complete that) and I want to take more classes like nosework (yes, I'll complete that one too)!
- If you could be someone else for one day, who would it be?
- Pft...I'm ecstatic being Freckles, why should I be someone else?! You humans are weird...I'm pretty sure that most saved pups are happy being who and where we are! :-D
- Muffin
- Cobi
- Blueberry (who's taking a break, but still deserving!!)
- Ruby
- Wally and Sammy
Thanks again Nola!! :-D
My second award comes from my bestest werewolf friend, Cotton!! If you don't know Cotton, well...what rock have you been hiding underneath?! ;-)
The Rules are as follows:
- Thank the giver and link back to the blogger who gave it to you.
- Share five things about yourself
- Answer five questions presented by Cotton
- Ask five new questions to your nominated bloggers
- Reveal your top five picks. {with less than 200 readers} and let them know by leaving a comment on their blog or a tweet!
- Copy and paste the award on your blog
- Hope that the people you’ve sent the award to forward it to their five favorite up-and-coming bloggers and keep it going!
5 Things About Moi:
- Oh my dog, most of my freckles are disappearing...oh no!! Does that mean I'm disappearing too?!
- I'm seriously the most picky eater that has ever lived!
- I've just discovered how to chew open tennis balls and shred them too! WooHoo!
- I don't like getting icky paws! :-/ Eww!
- I'm super barrel chested...not fat!!!
5 Questions By Cotton:
- Recommend a book that you or your staff have read that you feel my huMum would like.
- Oh man...ummmmm...ooooo...my Domeek just finished reading Always Looking Up by Michael J. Fox. Now, she's not usually a happy-go-lucky, feel good kind of a person, but this book really helps to put your life in perspective and realize that it's not as bad as it looks, that you can always make things better! :-D We'd definitely recommend it!!
- Show us a picture of your favorite flower, preferably from your garden but understand if you have to use Google.
- Muahaha, our garden?! That would follow the presumption that Domeek doesn't have a black thumb!
![]() |
The ever beautiful Magnolia! |
- How do you express your love for those close to you.
- Hehe, I go crazy and whine and growl all around them! I'm a weirdo!
- Name an all time favorite film of you or your staff.
- Hm...I just finished watching one of the Harry Potter films and I surprised myself by liking it, usually I get scared pretty easily, but I didn't mind this one (ooo, it's the one where Sirius dies)!
- Do you find all this just a bit tedious?
- Hehe, well, if I found it really tedious, I wouldn't have answered the questions! ;-) You might be lucky though, I just finished eating dinner...but I haven't fallen asleep yet!
My Five Questions:
- What is the bestest thing that has ever happened to you?
- Are you a Valley, Mountain, Country, Urban, or Sea kind of a pup/human?
- If you could sit down to dinner with 3 other individuals, who would they be?!
- What's your favorite treat?
- What's your favorite quote?
The Nominees (Again, go say "Hi" if you don't know them):
- Ann
- My brother, Goose
- THE Brothers: Murphy and Stanley
- Noreen and Hunter
- Hm, not sure about his follower count...but I love him: Remy
Oh my goodness, thank you again Cotton!! :-D
You see, that's 12 pawesome bloggers that you should know! Have a great day everyone!!
Friday, January 25, 2013
Look Who's Got A Fence!!
Yeah...I know, I'm super cool now! I got me a fence! :-D
Oh, I'm sorry...do you see this?
Weeeeeeeeeee...I'm running (without a leash)!!!
I picked out that arbor! ;-)
Check out my new and improved ball-throwing zone!! Heck yeah!! :-D I was chasing the ball when Domeek took this photo (the teeny white blop in the center)!
Where'd the ball go????
Aw, this is the LIFE!! :-D
Have a great weekend everyone!!!
PeeS: Of course you can all come over and have a fence party with me!! The more the merrier, I say!! Ooooo, we should have a hot dog barbecue!! :-D
Oh, I'm sorry...do you see this?
Weeeeeeeeeee...I'm running (without a leash)!!!
I picked out that arbor! ;-)
Check out my new and improved ball-throwing zone!! Heck yeah!! :-D I was chasing the ball when Domeek took this photo (the teeny white blop in the center)!
Where'd the ball go????
Aw, this is the LIFE!! :-D
Have a great weekend everyone!!!
PeeS: Of course you can all come over and have a fence party with me!! The more the merrier, I say!! Ooooo, we should have a hot dog barbecue!! :-D
Thursday, January 24, 2013
A plague, a plague on both your houses...
Hm, ok, I'm over exaggerating...the plague has just hit mine!
It's inevitable at this time of year, colds and the flu are everywhere you turn, it's just a matter of when you're going to get them! Needless to say, they are here and they aren't very nice!
So, since I'm Nurse Freckles again and don't have a ton of time, my brother, Ginger, and Little Bit wanted to stop by and say "Hi!"
Ginger's angry cause he hasn't had breakfast yet...but then again, Ginger's always angry, so it doesn't really mean much in our house! ;-) He wants me to ask that if anyone has any food that you can spare to send it his way since he's starving and wasting away (bahahaha)...
...but Domeek says that he's diabetic and overweight and so can't scarf food whenever he feels like it! So ignore Ginger's request!
Little Bit is getting super big now, she's almost doubled in height! She's quirky as all get up too! She likes to hide underneath the couches and then jump out and attack me, my brothers, or Domeek! Hehehe! I like it! ;-)
Our fence had to be postponed by one day, since the weather decided to be uncooperative and rain on us, but we are all a-go this morning! The fence guys are here, jack hammering, digging, and banging are all going on, so I guess we are all on schedule! ;-)
When I'm not dealing with illness, Little Bit and I are making sure that everyone is doing their job and not slacking off! So far, so Good! We're also getting an attic fan installed this afternoon, so it's all chaos in the house today!
Have a great afternoon everyone!!
Monday, January 21, 2013
Doggie Park Time! :-D
Happy Monday and Tuesday Everyone!!
Since the weather hasn't been awesome recently and the light goes away really early, we haven't made it to the puppy park for a long time! But today, today, we spent 2 and a half hours running, playing, chasing, hanging out, and laying in the sun! It was the best afternoon...ever! I love, love, love 3 day weekends!! :-D
This is Max, the three legged poodle mix, Brody, the big brown dog, and Abby the insane Beagle...sorry to say that I don't know Mr. Cattle dog's name.
Isn't that giant white dog gorgeous? Domeek is in love with her! She was in love with me though and kept following me around...hm, I told her "no means no" but she didn't agree! ;-)
Hahaha, no, Max wasn't humping Brody's head...that's how he stands on his hind leg, he has to hold on! :-D
I didn't get a photo, but my bestest friend in the whole world, Rizzo, luckily came to the park too while I was there!! :-D We haven't seen each other since September, but when we met up, it was like we hadn't been apart at all!! Rizzo's Mom says that I got wide though...hm, I told her that I wasn't fat, I just filled out, that's all!
When I got home, I immediately fell asleep with Little Bit...man, is hanging out at the dog park exhausting or what?
Have a great Tuesday everyone!!
Since the weather hasn't been awesome recently and the light goes away really early, we haven't made it to the puppy park for a long time! But today, today, we spent 2 and a half hours running, playing, chasing, hanging out, and laying in the sun! It was the best afternoon...ever! I love, love, love 3 day weekends!! :-D
This is Max, the three legged poodle mix, Brody, the big brown dog, and Abby the insane Beagle...sorry to say that I don't know Mr. Cattle dog's name.
Isn't that giant white dog gorgeous? Domeek is in love with her! She was in love with me though and kept following me around...hm, I told her "no means no" but she didn't agree! ;-)
Hahaha, no, Max wasn't humping Brody's head...that's how he stands on his hind leg, he has to hold on! :-D
I didn't get a photo, but my bestest friend in the whole world, Rizzo, luckily came to the park too while I was there!! :-D We haven't seen each other since September, but when we met up, it was like we hadn't been apart at all!! Rizzo's Mom says that I got wide though...hm, I told her that I wasn't fat, I just filled out, that's all!
When I got home, I immediately fell asleep with Little Bit...man, is hanging out at the dog park exhausting or what?
Have a great Tuesday everyone!!
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Hurdles, Hoops, Tunnels...Oh My!
Well, my third agility class has come and gone...and I realize that it's kind of sad that we only have two more before the end of the series! :-/
I've been really enjoying hanging out with my new friends, learning lots of new things, and running through the courses!
This was our set up this evening! You see that hoop/hurdle looking thing...well, that was our new station!
To begin with, we warmed up by jumping a few hurdles and then landed on the table. After doing this twice, we moved over to the new hoop and just hung out with it (meaning that we started slow). Once everyone successfully hopped through it, Miss Rachel added it to the line up. Unfortunately, lots of us pups decided that the hoop was a bit weird and instead of going through it, almost all of us went around instead. Hehehe! It took me a couple of attempts and lots of treats before I was running through it too!
We are always off leash now when doing the course and we are almost always perfectly well behaved, but during this photo the standard poodle, Hess, decided to go absolutely insane. It was hilarious! She not only completely ignored the course and the treats, but she also ignored her Mom, Dad, and Miss Rachel! Instead, she chose to eventually run over to one of our other classmates and start a snuffle...hehehe! Eventually she was caught though and the fun stopped! Boo!
I was totally behaving well when we had to wait! ;-) Just look at that sit-stay! Oooo Ooo Ooo, way in the back of this photo is Miss Millie, aka Murphy's doppelganger!! I know, you probably can't see her too much!
We finished class by introducing the tunnel! Apparently lots of dogs get scared of the tunnel because they don't like the floor texture or the large dogs don't like the tunnel touching their backs or it's too dark for them. But I'm happy to report that all of us had positive experiences with it (me especially, Miss Rachel thinks it's because I'm a terrier and aren't scared of anything...hehehe, Domeek thought that I would be terrified too though)! Next week, we are going to be opening it all the way and adding it to the course! Exciting times!
After class we went to PetsMart to buy num nums! Weeeeeee...that's how I roll! ;-)
Alright everyone, I'm exhausted after class...so it's off to bed for me! Oh, please meet Mr. Octopus, he's my newest toy care of BarkBox! ;-)
Have a great Monday everyone!!
I've been really enjoying hanging out with my new friends, learning lots of new things, and running through the courses!
This was our set up this evening! You see that hoop/hurdle looking thing...well, that was our new station!
To begin with, we warmed up by jumping a few hurdles and then landed on the table. After doing this twice, we moved over to the new hoop and just hung out with it (meaning that we started slow). Once everyone successfully hopped through it, Miss Rachel added it to the line up. Unfortunately, lots of us pups decided that the hoop was a bit weird and instead of going through it, almost all of us went around instead. Hehehe! It took me a couple of attempts and lots of treats before I was running through it too!
We are always off leash now when doing the course and we are almost always perfectly well behaved, but during this photo the standard poodle, Hess, decided to go absolutely insane. It was hilarious! She not only completely ignored the course and the treats, but she also ignored her Mom, Dad, and Miss Rachel! Instead, she chose to eventually run over to one of our other classmates and start a snuffle...hehehe! Eventually she was caught though and the fun stopped! Boo!
I was totally behaving well when we had to wait! ;-) Just look at that sit-stay! Oooo Ooo Ooo, way in the back of this photo is Miss Millie, aka Murphy's doppelganger!! I know, you probably can't see her too much!
We finished class by introducing the tunnel! Apparently lots of dogs get scared of the tunnel because they don't like the floor texture or the large dogs don't like the tunnel touching their backs or it's too dark for them. But I'm happy to report that all of us had positive experiences with it (me especially, Miss Rachel thinks it's because I'm a terrier and aren't scared of anything...hehehe, Domeek thought that I would be terrified too though)! Next week, we are going to be opening it all the way and adding it to the course! Exciting times!
After class we went to PetsMart to buy num nums! Weeeeeee...that's how I roll! ;-)
Alright everyone, I'm exhausted after class...so it's off to bed for me! Oh, please meet Mr. Octopus, he's my newest toy care of BarkBox! ;-)
Have a great Monday everyone!!
Saturday, January 19, 2013
Aw, So This Is What Warmth Feels Like...
Happy Saturday and Sunday Everyone!!
I hope that you all are having a wonderful weekend! We were technology and electricity free today as our entire electrical panel and other outside electrical stuffs were replaced. I thought that I might be bored to death, but luckily we had absolutely fantastic weather, which meant that we got to hang out for the majority of the day outside! :-D Purrrrrr...
We did a little yard work!
Had a little Domeek - Freckles bonding time!
And took some serious and wonderful naps!!
Aw and now I am absolutely exhausted! ;-)
Tomorrow I have my third agility class, I'm super excited and I'll tell you all about it soon!
Enjoy the rest of your weekends!!!
I hope that you all are having a wonderful weekend! We were technology and electricity free today as our entire electrical panel and other outside electrical stuffs were replaced. I thought that I might be bored to death, but luckily we had absolutely fantastic weather, which meant that we got to hang out for the majority of the day outside! :-D Purrrrrr...
We did a little yard work!
Had a little Domeek - Freckles bonding time!
And took some serious and wonderful naps!!
Aw and now I am absolutely exhausted! ;-)
Tomorrow I have my third agility class, I'm super excited and I'll tell you all about it soon!
Enjoy the rest of your weekends!!!
Thursday, January 17, 2013
A Very Belated Anniversary To Me...
...To Me...
Well, as some of you remember, the 15th was my first anniversary with my Domeek! It was touch and go for a bit, but I'm glad that I chose to keep her!! She has been a challenge to train, but I definitely see promise in everything we do! ;-)
A couple of days ago I decided to treat her, hahaha no - myself, to some deliciousnesses in honor of the day. I was a good boy though and shared with Little Bit!
Ooooo, what is this?
OMD, it smells divine!!
Nom, Nom, Nom, Nom!!!! :-D
Hm, random thought...why do I always look cross-eyed in photos...I'm not, I swear!? Oh, this is sooooo good!!
Purrrrrr, Purrrrrr, Purrrrr!!! :-D
Hope that you all have a wonderful day everyone!!!
PeeS: As some of you know from Facebook, I am sooooo excited: next week Domeek is having a fence put in in the front and back yards! I will get to run, frolic, and sniff to my heart's content!! Photos and news to follow, after all, I will have to make sure that the fence guys do their job! My last name isn't Foreman by accident! ;-)
Well, as some of you remember, the 15th was my first anniversary with my Domeek! It was touch and go for a bit, but I'm glad that I chose to keep her!! She has been a challenge to train, but I definitely see promise in everything we do! ;-)
A couple of days ago I decided to treat her, hahaha no - myself, to some deliciousnesses in honor of the day. I was a good boy though and shared with Little Bit!
Ooooo, what is this?
OMD, it smells divine!!
Nom, Nom, Nom, Nom!!!! :-D
Hm, random thought...why do I always look cross-eyed in photos...I'm not, I swear!? Oh, this is sooooo good!!
Purrrrrr, Purrrrrr, Purrrrr!!! :-D
Hope that you all have a wonderful day everyone!!!
PeeS: As some of you know from Facebook, I am sooooo excited: next week Domeek is having a fence put in in the front and back yards! I will get to run, frolic, and sniff to my heart's content!! Photos and news to follow, after all, I will have to make sure that the fence guys do their job! My last name isn't Foreman by accident! ;-)
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