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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Weekend Links and Fun Park Stuff

Happy Sunday Everyone!!

Thanks for all the cookie and chili support :-D Domeek says though that I did get to lick the chili spoon when it was all said and done (not enough in my opinion) and had a bit of a cookie that fell on the I guess I don't get to complain as much!

This evening I got to go and hang out with all my doggie friends at the park! There were plenty of the regulars and a couple newbies too (including an awesome miniature poodle who loved wrestling with me, yeah)! I've been working on training the regulars with my crazy, tennis ball fanatics for a couple of months now and am happy to report that I brought my ball to three different people and got them to throw it for me! Hehehe...I'm pretty proud about that one!

Freckles the Dog

I've been getting really good at "sitting" before Domeek throws the ball for me...look, how good is that "sit"??? ;-D

That's my crazy "throw the friggin ball" look!!
Freckles the Dog

My buddies Oliver, the black lab, and Cali, the German shepherd, were we went a little nuts! We were ganging up on poor Oliver, I got to box his face while Cali was pulling his tail...hehehe! He totally got us back too! I love hanging out with them!
Freckles the Dog

Now I'm back home, exhausted as normal! Phew...but I have to rest up tonight, because tomorrow morning we start my mini-recall workshop at the Humane Society! I can't wait to meet all those new pups in my class!!! Eeeekkkk!!

Now for my Weekend Links:
  • A sad story about an innocent pup being shot by a police officer is starting an interesting debate: what would you do if a cop shot your dog?
  • California Governor Brown just signed SB 1221 into law, making the use of hounds illegal in hunting bears and bobcats. 
  • A wonderful kitty delivers a beautiful litter of kittens even while a raccoon attacks her! Heroic Mamma!
  • Only one member of the police force left in a New Mexico town...and she's got four legs!
  • A new medicinal ingredient is starting to give hope to pups with cancer! :-D Woo Hoo!
That's it for now, see you all tomorrow with a re-cap of my new class!

Friday, September 28, 2012

It's Just Not Fair!

Today has been a no-good-very-bad-day for a Goose!

Even though Domeek works from home on Fridays, today wasn't your typical Friday. There was no late breakfast, no sitting in the living room and working on the computer, no long mid-day walk...instead there was early grocery shopping trip and then cooking and cooking and cooking! Normally this wouldn't upset me, in fact, I would be ecstatic for lots of yummies. Today though, Domeek told me that this wasn't for me...or even her, it was for a family friend who just had a knee replacement surgery!

Freckles the Dog


Why on Earth would you cook food that wasn't for you (or a Goose)?

Freckles the Dog

Domeek says that sometimes she just likes doing things for other people...and apparently that meant cooking delicious smelling food and then taking it out of the house! :-( It's just not fair!!!!

So, I thought that I would teach her; I haven't talked to her all evening long! Yup! I've been hanging out with Grandma instead, just staring (ok glaring) at Domeek!

Freckles the Dog

Alas, it hasn't worked! I went to check, but there still isn't any chilli or cookies in my dinner bowl...

Sniff, sniff, sniff, (is anyone paying attention?), sniff, sniff!!!!

Hurumph, well, whatever...I'll eat the yummies next time!

I guess the one thing left to say is: feel better soon Alberta! I hope you like the card, cause I totally picked it out!!! And, if you don't like the yummies, feel free to send them back! ;-)

Have a great weekend everyone!

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Treasure Thursday

Happy Thursday Afternoon Everyone!

Happy National Dog Week, celebrating their 84th anniversary!!!

Boy, oh boy, it has been such a long week, already. Two nights ago my brothers were running all over the house in the middle of the night having a bought of the I, of course, had to get up and bark at them to be quiet! Then I had to wake up at 5:30 am yesterday (I didn't even realize that time existed) because Domeek had a work thing up in San Francisco and she wanted to miss commute traffic. Then I stayed at the doggie park waaaaay too long last night because so many of my friends were there! Phew!

I tell you...the life of a puppy! I need a vacation! ;-)

But the puppy park was seriously awesome last night! I hung out with my best friend Rizzo (the terrier/chihuahua), then I met an adorable little terrier called Dottie who had a fierce, blond mohawk and liked to chase, then there were all the regulars (french bulldogs, standard poodles, labs, retrievers...), then my friend from puppy school, Summit (the mini Aussie) came to the park just as we were about to leave, which meant that we stayed another half an hour playing with her! Like I said before, it was exhausting but so much fun!

I also met two new pups last night an Airedale and a giant Schnauzer (hehe, I thought he was the biggest Scottie that I ever did see), which inspired me to feature large breed rescues (an often overlooked set of pups in animal care facilities) in today's Treasure Thursday!

But first, updates from last week's Treasure Thursday!

My first featured pup's name is King,  who is a beautiful golden retriever mix, he is being adopted out through Dogs XL Rescue in Baltimore, Maryland. Dogs XL Rescue tries to find homes for pups who are over 50 pounds!

Freckles the Dog XL Rescue

If you are interested in learning more about King, please feel free to check out his adoption page! Dogs XL Rescue also has many other breeds of large dogs, including: labs, pit bulls, St. Bernards, Great Danes, and Great Pyrenees! Please check out all of their available pups!

Dogs XL Rescue Facebook 

Freckles the Dog XL Rescue

My second featured pup's name is Bear, he is an apricot brindle Neapolitan Mastiff, who is being adopted through the West Coast Mastiff and Large Breed Rescue in Murrieta, California. Their mission is to provide shelter, food, supplies, services and medical care for homeless large breed Dogs, specifically; Mastiffs, Great Danes, and Saint Bernards.

If you would like to learn more about the active Bear, please visit his adoption page! West Coast Mastiff Rescue also has many other beautiful and large breed dogs, so take a lot at all of their gorgeous available adoptions!

West Coast Mastiff and Large Breed Rescue Facebook
Freckles the Dog West Coast Mastiff Rescue

My final featured pup's name is Rocky, a beautiful and stylish Cane Corso, who is being adopted through (the coolest rescue group's name) Jurassic Bark Rescue in Missouri City, Texas! They concentrate on large and giant breed dogs primarily because they don't last long in a shelter. There is simply no room. Larger dogs require more resources and have their own special veterinary challenges.

To learn more about the awesome Rocky, please visit his personal adoption page! If you would like to see their other large breed (and one small pup) rescues, please visit their available adoptions page! They have some wonderful happy tails written there as well! 

Jurrasic Bark Rescue Facebook

Freckles the Dog Jurrasic Bark Rescue

Thanks for dropping by Treasure Thursday, as always! I hope that you all have a wonderful afternoon and evening!!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Wordless Wednesday - Just Another Night

Happy Wednesday Everyone!!

Tonight was a mixture of trotting through my park and exploring all the windows downtown!

Freckles the Dog Holbrook Palmer Park

Freckles the Dog Holbrook Palmer Park

Freckles the Dog Holbrook Palmer Park

Freckles the Dog Holbrook Palmer Park

Freckles the Dog Holbrook Palmer Park

Freckles the Dog Holbrook Palmer Park

Downtown Menlo Park

Freckles the Dog Menlo Park

Freckles the Dog Menlo Park
Showing that Dog Statue (aka Evil Creature) Who's Boss!

Freckles the Dog Menlo Park
Buddy in the Book Store

Freckles the Dog Menlo Park

See you next time! :-D

Monday, September 24, 2012

Stories and Tails

Happy Tuesday Everyone! I hope that you all are having a wonderful day; I've been a lazy butt for the past couple of days, so I haven't been doing a lot of blog worthy stuffs! But, I did want to share a couple of pawesome photos that Domeek took of Ginger and I last night.

Freckles the Dog and Ginger

Freckles the Dog and Ginger

Yes, we are that cute! ;-)

I have to send out a gigantic belated birthday wish to a certain dog we all know...who turned the big 5-0 on Monday! I'm sure you all grew up reading his books...he is the totally awesome and super smart Clifford the Big Red Dog!!

Freckles the Dog and Clifford
Seen here with Norman Bridwell, Clifford's Daddy and Creator

Seeing Clifford all over the news got me thinking about all of my and Domeek's favorite literary, in no particular order, here are some of the greatest dogs in literature!

Freckles the Dog Buck Call of the Wild
The stolen Buck, from Jack London's The Call of the Wild!

Freckles the Dog Lassie
The heroic Lassie fom Eric Knight's short novel and eventually Lassie Come-Home

Freckles the Dog Nana
The ever loving Nana from J. M. Barrie's Peter Pan or the Boy Who Wouldn't Grow Up!

Freckles the Dog Tock
The friend and watch-dog Tock from Norton Juster's The Phantom Tollbooth

Freckles the Dog Kep
The heroic Kep from Beatrix Potter's The Tale of Jemima Puddle-Duck

Freckles the Dog Cerebus
 The scary Cerberus from Dante's Divine Comedy

Freckles the Dog Pongo
And finally, the resourceful Pongo from Dodie Smith's 101 Dalmatians

What an amazing group of pups, huh? 

There's a great illustrated book out called Dogs In Books by Catherine Britton, which reveals a lot of dogs that were written about from religious times, to Shakespeare, to classical novels, all the way through to modern times (and Snoopy/Scoopy Doo)! If you get the opportunity, you should check it out, especially since it's only $11.66 on Amazon! 

So, what pup is your favorite to read about?! 

Have a great day everyone!

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Weekend Links and Catch-Up

Happy Sunday everyone! I hope that you all have had a wonderful weekend so far, I know I have! :-)

Since I don't have a lot to talk about this evening/morning, I thought I'd post some recent photos that you haven't seen yet! 

Considering that the yard was getting crazily overgrown, I decided to help Domeek out on Friday and did some gardening! I mowed, chewed down some weeds (see the second photo), and found then destroyed a kitty toy from the garage!

Freckles the Dog

Freckles the Dog

Ginger has been bothering me all week, he keeps following me around and glaring...I keep trying to hide, but he knows all my spots!  As long as he doesn't touch my toys!!

Freckles the Dog Ginger

He had another visit to the Vet on Friday where they did a fructosamine test to see how his blood sugar has been ranging over the past couple of weeks. Looks as though everything is stabilizing, so no increase or decrease in insulin, and that means he doesn't have to see the vet for 3 months...he's super happy about that one!

Freckles the Dog Ginger

Silly Domeek forgot that we were out of food yesterday, so that meant I got to have hot dogs and cheese for dinner...woo hoo!! This is how I like to eat...I'm a weirdo! ;-)
Freckles the Dog

Freckles the Dog

Rest Time!

Freckles the Dog

Freckles the Dog

Tomorrow we're going to start using a training system called Crate Games by the famous Canadian trainer and agility star, Susan Garrett

Freckles the Dog Crate Games

Supposedly this "game" is going to build motivation, self-control, and adoration for my, yeah, well we'll see about that one! Domeek wants me to love my crate, since we are going to be taking a long (in-cabin) plane ride after Christmas. Any of you had experience with this system?

Weekend Links:
  • Yet another sad story about the mishandling of pups on board planes in cargo! Please beware!
  • Please meet Moe, a wonderful addition to the pup world and recent inspiration of mine!
  • Do you have a Kindle Fire or an iPad? If so, take up this offer, and collect your free download of Who’s That Dog? 35 Fabulous Rescues That Found Their Forever Homes by photographer Mark J. Asher.
  • Check out this video from Bark In The Park, through the eyes of a doggie attendee!  
  • Next Thursday (9/27) is Train Humane Day, so let's bring awareness to all puppy Mommies and Daddies about the effectiveness of positive and humane training techniques! :-) 
  • Maybe you've already seen this image, but I love the fun information (most of it is pretty darn accurate!).
Ok, that's it from my end, have a wonderful Sunday guys! 

Friday, September 21, 2012

:-D It's Human Shaming Time

We've all seen the photos, heard the commotion, and laughed at our fellow comrade's idiosyncrasies, but now it's time to turn the tables on the humans that have taken those fateful photos! Muhahaha!

The awesome Kol's Notes and My Brown Newfies are hosting a tongue-in-cheek blog hop today on Human Shaming! Go and check out their funny shames!  

In the grand scheme of things, Domeek isn't too bad of a human; I mean, she doesn't dress me up like a flower and tote me around on a floral wheelbarrow (yeah, as crazy as it sounds, we did see a poor pup in this scenario), she doesn't put bows in my ears, and she doesn't carry me around like a baby!

But there are plenty of things that she does...including hiding my ball behind her back, asking me "where's your ball?", and while I frantically look for it, she's just standing there laughing (grrr!) She leaves me at home for 7 or 8 hours while she goes to work (pft!) and sometimes she has the audacity to go have social interactions without me (who, what, where, and WHY?)!

But these are really the ones that get my goat going (isn't that a funny idiom?)!!

1. Spends one day a week, hanging out with tons of dogs that are not ME!
2. Specifically buys chocolate chip cookies and muffins as treats, because I can't eat them!
3. Throws away my "good" (ok, totally destroyed) toys when I go to bed so I can't see it was her!!!

Yeah, you got that right Domeek...I know it's you that throws away my toys!!! Boo!!!

Come on, you know that you want to join in too!! :-D

Happy Friday everyone!

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Treasure Thursday

So, as always, my Thursday posts are dedicated to finding awesome forever homes for those pups and kittens that need some loving! 

As I'm sure most of you are aware, this week is national Adopt-A-Less-Adoptable-Pet week (whoa, that's a serious mouthful!). As amazing as it is, there are actually people out there that don't find certain dogs and cats desirable! Take for instance: black cats (for goodness sakes people, get over your silly superstition), seniors (they don't need potty training and crazy exercise, like me!), special needs (I have to say, you probably aren't perfect either - I know I'm not!), pitties (don't get me started), and other companion animals that aren't cats or dogs!

Adopt-A-Less-Adoptable-Pet Week 2012

99% of rescues and shelters report that they have animals that have been at their facilities for a long time due to their less adoptable qualities! This means that there are thousands of animals out there that are in this "less adoptable" category that need amazing people and homes in their lives too, so why not jump on this party bus and consider adopting a fantabulous animal?!

For more information and to check out Petfinder's collection of cool animals up for adoption, please click here!

First up though - an update from last week's Treasure Thursday!
  • Tony, the dapper and stylish pit bull from Pibblies and More Animal Rescue (PMAR) is still up for adoption, so if you are interested in him, please check out his page!
  • Chablis, from Out of the Pits, Inc is also still up for adoption, so if you are still interested in this beautiful girl, please check out here information!!
  • Finally, the adorable and crazy Jilly with BadRap Rescue is also still up for adoption, so if you want a little spitfire, please go and check her out!
My first less-adoptable, adoptable pet of the week's name is Lexus and comes from Special Needs K9 in Oakland, New Jersey.  Special Needs K9 is an awesome organization that is dedicated to the rescue of dogs and other animals with physical, medical and other special needs. They not only assist with the adoption but also with any post-adoption aid that adopters need! :-D 

Freckles the Dog and Special Needs K9

Isn't Lexus beautiful? If you would like to learn more about her, please visit their adoptable's page and scroll down! Special Needs K9 has quite a few pups that need wonderful forever homes, so if you would like to see all of their fantastic available animals, please visit their website or Facebook page and take a look!

Freckles the Dog and Special Needs K9

My second featured "less-adoptable" adoptable pup, Shy, is from one of my (personal) favorite rescue groups near me! Muttville Senior Dog Rescue is located in San Francisco, California and is dedicated to improving the lives of senior dogs. On a local level, Muttville rescues senior dogs and finds them new homes or gives them hospice. On a global level, Muttville provides information about caring for older dogs and support for people who do.

Freckles the Dog Muttville Senior Dog Rescue

Shy is absolutely stunning and is as friendly as they get, so if you would like to learn more about Shy, please visit her page! Muttville also has a plethora of other fantastic senior pups who are just waiting for you to come and pick them up! So if you would like to see all of their profiles, please visit their available dogs section and scroll through all of their wonderful stories or visit their Facebook page!

Freckles the Dog Muttville Senior Dog Rescue

My last featured, less-adoptable, adoptable pet's name is Midnight...and as you can see, she is a special Kitty guest on Treasure Thursday! Midnight is being adopted through Black Cat Rescue in Boston, Massachusetts. Did you know that black cats are only half as likely to get adopted as cats of other colors? Well, this is why Black Cat Rescue was created, to assist all of those wonderful dark kitties find perfect forever homes!

Freckles the Dog Black Cat Rescue

Midnight is as pretty as they come and seems like a decently cool cat, so if you would like to learn more about her, please visit her page! Black Cat Rescue also has another few cats who are up for adoption through their website and even more via their Facebook page, so please be sure to check both out!

Freckles the Dog Black Cat Rescue

Thanks as always for stopping by Treasure Thursday! 

Please remember when you are looking for your future buddy that there are a lot of wonderful animals out there who need homes that might not look "perfect"...but they are perfect for the right family!!!! Look beyond the physical!

Happy Thursday everyone!