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Monday, October 1, 2012

Goose, come...Goose...GOOSE!

Hey everyone, Happy Monday (hm, can one actually be happy on a Monday?)!

Freckles the Dog Monday

So, since it's the first of October, I just wanted to announce how important this month is...first of all, it's my birthday month (whoop, whoop), secondly it means that Halloween is just around the corner, thirdly October is National Pit Bull Awareness month, and finally October is Adopt a Shelter Dog Month! Look at all these awesome events; I'll be writing more about everything in the coming weeks!

Freckles the Dog PHS

Well, as you are all aware, I went to my first class at the Humane Society for the mini-recall workshop on Sunday.

And...I have to be honest, I didn't enjoy the class very much! :-(

They are just very different from my normal school. They did not encourage and basically frowned upon the idea of letting us pups go and introduce ourselves to one another and interact on any level with each other. Do your schools do this too? At A Dog's Life, we go around the room and sniff each others' spots and (before class starts) we get to go up to one another and say "Hi".

Freckles the Dog

Well, I didn't like this, not one bit, so I decided to bark! Yup, I threw a puppy temper tantrum right there in the middle of class. Unfortunately, the instructor didn't like this, so I was labeled a mini trouble maker. Oh well!

Freckles the Dog

When we started the actual learning portion, I did really well! I focused on Domeek! I listened, I did, and I succeeded (except for another mini-bark session, when the instructor came over). So, even though we weren't loved...Domeek thought that we were an awesome team!

Freckles the Dog

Next week is our second and final session, all I hope is that we come out with some recall skills and maybe I can eventually go off-leash! ;-)

Freckles the Dog

When I got home, I totally passed out...using your brain sure is exhausting, let me tell you! :-D

This evening we are decorating for Halloween...yeah! I can't wait!

Have a great afternoon/evening everyone!!!


  1. Hi
    My mommy spent all day yesterday measuring me and gluing stuff and preparing to sew stuff. I can tell HALLOWEEN and the dreaded costume is on the horizon. Actually, I shouldn't say dreaded since I really do like to wear clothes just not that flying pig costume from last year.
    Love Noodles

    1. That's awesome that your Mommy makes your costume...I bet it's going to be spectacular (or spectacularly spooky)! Can't wait to see!

  2. Well that just wasn't right--not being able to go around and introduce yourself to the other kidz in your class. Poopy instructor. Looks like you got a well deserved nap!!

  3. Did you get suspended? We're home schooled and meeting other dogs is VERY important. What kind of teacher do you have?

    XXXOOO Daisy, Bella & Roxy

    1. Hehehe, nope, not yet at least! ;-) My teacher has apparently been a positive reinforcement doggy trainer for a long time!

  4. Decorating for Halloween! How fun! Hope next class is better!

  5. No meet and greet? That is not right. But you did real well. I think the teacher has it in for you. Watch your step, or bark, for one more week and your home free.

    1. I think she does too! ;-) I'm sure I'll keeping barking my objections!!

  6. I'm really bad at meeting other doggies... Maybe that technique would work for me?

    1. Totally Dougall...and I'm not saying it was bad for everyone, just not the way I like to roll! :-)

  7. I agree...using brain ismvery exhausting. And I am with you,on this one, if I dont get to make friends, I wont be happy either. Kudos for finishing the session, I might have just left, haha. You may not be the teachers pet but you are always domeek's pet ;)


    1. Aw, thank you Sankissjuice!! Pft, I wanted to go home real early, but we decided to be the bigger pup and stay!

  8. Gosh - at our training class, all dogs get to meet each other at the beginning before it starts, then at breaks, then afterwards too. Plus at breaks, there is an agility course - nothing fancy - but all the dogs get to go in there and run around and learn the course which is just for fun!

    You do look pooped. Don't worry - you aren't a trouble maker. The training people just sound really uptight! Maybe you could find and remove that stick that they must have lodged someplace unpleasant. ;)

    1. Hahahahaha!!! I love that!

      Your training facility sounds totally awesome!! Wow, you and Blueberry must have the greatest time hanging out there with all the other pups!

  9. Woof! Woof! It's TUESDAY ... I bet you were an pawsome team. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

  10. Overall it sounds like you had a great session, after that one little snag. hehe! Boy October sounds like a great month around your place. Enjoy that well deserved nap! :)

    Thanks for your kind words and suggestions for Freddie. We are definitely looking into everything we can. :)

  11. In our class we don't get to say hello like we did in the puppy class but there are opportunities for us to do a quick handshake before the class. Our teacher said it is because the older dogs (us old at 8 months?) are less predictable so they don't want to have any conflict. Butt, we rather say hello and take a sniff first too! Good luck in your class and keep an eye on that teacher!
    Your friends,

    Murphy & Stanley

  12. LOL - our puppy graduated from puppy class. He was solo, but for graduation, the littermates (2.5 years) got to join him and we had a little barking fest when they were excited. The entire store paid attention. LOL
